Teaching students the love of music and skills to enjoy it for a lifetime
Our Mission
At Burbank High School Instrumental Music Association (BHS IMA) we strive to promote self-discipline, hard work, independent thought, problem-solving skills, teamwork and self esteem. We aim to help students learn how to express themselves in positive and constructive ways, to better understand and relate to others and to work collaboratively to create a finished product.
BHS IMA is organized around the philosophy that an excellent high school music program consists of a core of performance classes that rehearse daily, perform regularly, require outside practice and include regular testing to measure how well the students are meeting the program standards and progressing towards their personal performance goals.
Our goal is not to prepare students for a career in music, but for life itself. An excellent music program helps students grow into thoughtful, sensitive, caring, articulate and well-rounded adults who believe that they can achieve their goals in life by applying the skills they have learned from being part of the music program
Enjoy some delicious Armenian sweets and treats and 20% of your proceeds come back to support our IMA!!!
Burbank High and Burroughs High have united both their winter guard and winter percussion competitions seasons.
Come support and see their competitive shows before their seasons come to a close.
BHS Instrumental Music Program is having their end of year pops concert ,"Video Games in Concert". Enjoy an entire evening of music from some of your favorites.
Purchase your tickets HERE!
Mr. Ian Uvas, Battery Caption Head
Mr. Alex Hamilton, Pit Caption Head
Support IMA
Burbank High School Instrumental Music Association
Contact Us
Burbank HS Instrumental Music Association
902 N. 3rd St
Burbank, CA 91502